Uploading Photos to Facebook

Before I post them on here, I typically upload photos of my trip to Facebook. It goes like this:

Step 1: *squint at phone and click on a bunch of pictures*

Step 2: *upload pictures and then notice I chose a bunch of blurry ones* 

Step 3: *delete blurry photos and try again*

Step 4: *repeat until successful*

Step 5: *share to Facebook*

Step 6: *realize I forgot to tag the right album and hurriedly delete everything* 

Step 7: *begin Steps 1-4 again*

Step 8: *successfully share to Facebook*

Facebook then plays a game with me called, “How Many Inanimate Objects Can We Auto-Tag Your Face In.”

In other words, it tags me in every single picture. But it does not actually tag me. It claims I am a rock. A tree. A statute of Buddha. A cat. My friend Jasmine. So…

Step 9: *delete tag from every single picture*

Step 10: *retag the correct people* 

Step 11: *admire correctly tagged photos*

Step 12: *review Steps 1-11 and question if I am actually a Millennial* 

2 responses to “Uploading Photos to Facebook

  • Homeward Bound | Fernweh's Call

    […] Anyway, for better or worse I plan to write a bunch of posts tonight about my trip to Korea which took place a few weeks ago. They should last a week or two. Meanwhile, I will be headed home and hopefully getting a head start recovering from jet lag. (Otherwise, expect a post or five centered around me whining about being tired.) I apologize in advance for any grammar and spelling errors. I did not plan this out particularly well (but uploading photos to Facebook took longer than expected.) […]

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