
Fernweh – (German) literally meaning “farsickness”, “an ache for distant places”, wanderlust. Homesickness for the abroad. 

Call – (mid-13c) “to give a name to”, (Middle English) “to visit”, (Old Church Slavonic) “to voice”

Amy (Old French) “beloved”.  I started this blog when I studied at Oxford in 2013, but now it serves more as a catch all for my random thoughts, emotions, and adventures. I love to read, drink tea, write book reviews, be with people, and try weird food. And I am a recent law grad who sometimes rambles about work.

I blog every day because it gives me the illusion of accountability and without it I would probably not actually ever post. (I’m pretty all or nothing.) But also because I use this blog to remind myself that no matter how stressful, exciting, eventful, or mundane a day might be, there is always something worth remembering about it. Even if it is just a homesickness for the abroad.

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