Category Archives: Tags

Currently Reading Book Tag

I saw this book tag on katiescottagebooks and have been saving it for when I had all my housemates back! You know the drill. I interrupt their daily lives and force them to answer questions.

How many books do you read at once?

AB: As many as possible

TG: 2. One audio book and one physical book.

DJ: On average I probably have like 6 going.

LB: 4 to 5.

~ If You’re Reading More Than One Book At A Time, When Do You Switch Reading To The Other Book?

AB: Usually when I finish a chapter.

TG: I listen to the audio when I want to do something else at the same time. I read the physical book when reading is what I feel like doing.

DJ: Depends on what is accessible. And also I have books that are like my ‘books before bed’ book or sometimes I get really frustrated with a character or plot so I switch for another book for a while.

LB: Depends on the medium since I usually am in an audio, a physical, an e-book, and a miscellaneous so it depends where I am at and what I am doing.

~ Do You Ever Switch Bookmarks While You’re Part Way Through The Book

AB: No?

TG: No.

DJ: No.

LB: Never.

~ Where do you keep the book you are currently reading?

AB: Everywhere!

TG: In a book sleeve that goes with me everywhere.

DJ: Everywhere.

LB: Next to my bed.

~ What time of day do you do the most reading?

AB: Depends on the day of the week. After work usually.

TG: Around 1 pm because that is when my charge naps.

DJ: Evenings.

LB: Evenings

~ How long do you spend reading at one time?

AB: Depends…

TG: Depends on how long my charge naps.

DJ: Sometimes 2 minutes. Sometimes 3 hours!

LB: Depends on the day. Somewhere between 45 and 90 minutes minutes.

~ Do you read hard cover with the jacket on or off?

AB: On! It is naked otherwise.

TG: Off. I need to protect it.

DJ: Off. It gets in the way.

LB: On. It is a good bookmark.

Which position do you mainly use to read?

AB: Sitting?

TG: Curled up on a couch or laying on my stomach

DJ: Laying on the floor

LB: Stomach or back.

~ Do you take the book you’re currently reading with you everywhere you go?

AB: If they are on my phone!

TG: Yes, it usually sticks out of my purse.

DJ: Yes.

LB: No, I have ebooks so that I don’t have to take my book around everywhere.

~ How often do you update your progress in the book you’re currently reading on Goodreads?

AB: If I mark a book currently reading on Goodreads, there is a very good chance I will never pick it up again. Currently reading is the graveyard of my Goodreads.

TG: When I start and when I finish.

DJ: When I feel like I’ve made significant progress.

LB: Whenever I read.

The Last Ten Books Tag (TG Responds)

The fourth housemate weighs in on the Last Ten Book Tag that the rest of us completed yesterday. Did she get ’em right?

1. The Last Book I Gave Up On

Kingdom of the Cursed by Kerri Maniscalco (sooo boring and angsty and the romance was terrible)

2. The Last Book I Re-Read

Crooked Kingdom by Leah Bardugo (and all her books)

3. Last Book I Bought

Happy Place by Emily Henry

4. Last Book I Said I Read But Actually Didn’t

Probably some random book I knew a lot about and wanted to sell at Barnes and Noble. Yeah… I did that.

5. Last Book I Wrote In the Margins Of

Save the Cat Writes a Novel

6. Last Book That I Had Signed

Had signed in person? Uniting the Heavens by Emily English. The last book I bought signed was Happy Place.

7. The Last Book I Lost

I honestly don’t know. I’ve had a few people not return them in the past?

8. The Last Book I Had To Replace

I haven’t, I don’t think…

9. The Last Book I Argued Over

Let’s see… Daddy Long Legs, (CREEPY GROSS YUCK) Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, (All the stars!! It’s a phenomenal, amazing, and spectacular book.) City of Brass, (#teamali) Mexican Gothic, (CREEPY GROSS YUCK the sequel) But scratch all those because when LB reads this it’s going to be Kingdom of the Cursed.

10. The Last Book You Couldn’t Find

Isn’t that the same as Lost? Again, I honestly don’t know.

The Last Ten Books Tag #BookTagTuesday

I did this book tag two years ago and thought it might be fun to do it again…but this time with housemates!

1. The Last Book I Gave Up On

AB: Deception by Amanda Quick. I honestly thought the hero was a parody but no. Despite his best efforts to the contrary, he looks like a pirate and has the soul of an accountant. And not even that could save this rushed plot.

DJ: Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. Too angsty, too long, and she needed a better editor.

LB: Roommate by Sariah Wilson. It was supposed to Cinderella but was just angsty teen. * proceeds to gag at the memory *

2. The Last Book I Re-Read

AB: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Re-read for book club. I was particularly struck by how many quotes from this book get taken out of context. Did you know it was MISS BINGLEY who says ““I should like balls infinitely better,’ she replied, ‘if [balls] were carried on in a different manner…it would surely be much more rational if conversation instead of dancing were made the order of they day.”

DJ: The Outsiders by by S.E. Hinton. I read it six times since I had to teach it in school. And I do love that book. But maybe not six times in a row.

LB: Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan. Currently re-reading the whole series and hoping to do it in a year. I’m so behind.

3. Last Book I Bought

AB: Regency Buck by Georgette Heyer. Kindle was running a deal and it was like $1.25.

DJ: Grand Master of Demonic Cultivation Volume 5 by Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù. It was delightful. Found family trope is best trope.

LB: Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung. I have to read it for school.

4. Last Book I Said I Read But Actually Didn’t

AB: I don’t think I have?

DJ: I don’t lie about reading books.

LB: Why would I lie about that when I read 343 books last year?

5. Last Book I Wrote In the Margins Of

AB: To Be a Christian by J.I. Packer (Editor). There is a test coming up!

DJ: The Outsiders by by S.E. Hinton. For school.

LB: Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu. I was annotating for a friend.

6. Last Book That I Had Signed

AB: An Introduction to Constitutional Law: 100 Supreme Court Cases Everyone Should Know by Prof. Randy E. Barnett and Prof. Josh Blackman. I still consider this worth fangirling over.

DJ: I have never had a book signed.

LB: The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini. That was a great book signing. He is funnier than his books.

7. The Last Book I Lost

AB: The Grand Sophy by Georgette by Georgette Heyer. I could not figure out who I lent it to and I wanted to re-read it.

DJ: My students stole my copy of Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card.

LB: Lil has my copy Death Note Volume 1 by Tsugumi Ohba and I don’t think I’m ever going to get that back.

8. The Last Book I Had To Replace

AB: I’m going to need to replace The Grand Sophy soon. I did get it back but worse for wear.

DJ: …My Orson Scott Card book because it was taken!

LB: The Heir and the Crown by Kira Cass. Lent it to my cousin and she never gave it back.

9. The Last Book I Argued Over

AB: Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster. This book is brilliant. I don’t care what TG says.

DJ: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (The Hunger Games, #0) by Suzanne Collins. TG is wrong. This is not a good book.

LB: The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty. TG is right that is a good book but wrong about who the best character is.

10. The Last Book You Couldn’t Find

AB: Material Girls: Why Reality Matters for Feminism by Kathleen Stock. The only version my library has is in French.

DJ: A physical copy of Snow White with the Red Hair by Sorata Akizuki.

LB: An English translation for The Devil and the Orchid by Jiu Lu Fei Xiang.


Our final housemate TG is out and can’t defend herself, so we will see if we can get her to provide her answers later. Also, if you feel like it, consider yourself tagged!

The Valentine’s Day Book Tag (Addendum)

As a follow up on yesterday, the final housemate (who was not home at the time), added her opinions to our House Valentine’s Day Book Tag.

1.) Stand Alone Book You Love
Emma by Jane Austen

2.) Dystopian Book You Love
(Since Cinder is taken😜)
The Selection by Kiara Cass

3.) A Book That You Love But No One Else Talks About
The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
(I don’t think people talk about this one. If they do, then they don’t talk about it to me, and I’m insulted)

4. Favorite Book Couple
Percy and Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series (shocked, aren’t you?)

5.) Book That Other People Love But You Haven’t Read Yet
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood
(Raylo fanfiction. I just can’t get past the horrifying idea!)

6.) A Book With Red on the Cover
Cinder by Marissa Meyer. (HA! I STILL GOT TO PUT IT IN!) OK fine… I’ll pick one that hasn’t been done yet.🙄
Ink Heart by Cornelia Funke

7.) A Book With Pink on the Cover
A Cuban Girls Guide to Tea and Tomorrow by Laura Namey
(Who follows me on Instagram, not to brag… but also totally bragging😜)

8.) You were given a box of chocolates. Which Fictional Boyfriend Gave Them to You?
Carswell Thorne from The Lunar Chronicles (but I’m lucky if there are any left in the box)

9.) You are single on Valentines Day. What Book would you read? What TV show would you watch? What Movie would you Watch?
Single? I’m sorry, is that supposed to stop me from celebrating this holiday?
Please. This holiday is for all Love, Including self love.
I’ll be sitting on my bed, wearing something pink, eating overpriced chocolate, and watching To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, just like I do every year.
(Including this, the first year I wasn’t single, only he was watching it with me from across the country, and I didn’t buy myself the chocolate😜)
And I’d be reading whatever my current read is,
And probably watching a reality dating show, because I’m a festive person.😜

10.) You are in the Book Store. All of a sudden you get shot with an arrow by Cupid. What New Release will you love?
All The Dangerous Things by Stacy Williams

11.) BONUS Most Re-Read Book?
The entire Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer. I’ve read the whole series like 4 or 5 times at this point. (AH HA, I GOT TO INCLUDE THEM!!!)

Valentine’s Day Book Tag: The OTP Book Tag

Stolen from The Calico Books and The Little Contemporary Corner! (And reshuffled.)

OTP = One True Pairing

In honor of Valentine’s Day, my roommates D and L joined me with this debate about our favorite literary romance.

Favorite Couple Ever

L. I have to go with my first ever favorite couple, Mara and Sheftu from Mara, Daughter of the Nile. He shaped my taste in fictional men. [Amy and D agree.]
A. Oh, that’s a good way of narrowing it down. Then I have to go with Kit Tyler and Nat Eaton from The Witch of Blackbird Pond.
D. Faramir and Eowyn from The Return of the King. They aren’t as popular but they are so sweet and compliment each other so well.

Relationship That Never Happened But Should Have

L. Henry Crawford and Fanny Price from Mansfield Park by Jane Austen! She could have changed him!
D. Ender and Petra from Ender’s Game. She could read him really well and not many can.
. Molly and Tobias from The Princess of Cortova by Diane Stanley. Been years since I read it and I’m still mad.

Your Book Crush–Any Character

L. How do you pick one?! I guess…Ian from Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress series. He just makes me very happy and any time I read the books that he is in, I just spend the time giggling.
D. Gilan from The Ranger’s Apprentice because he can be funny and super sweet but then serious at the drop of a hat.
A. I’ll go with Sir Hugh Thane from The Talisman Ring by Georgette Heyer.

An Unpopular OTP That You Ship

D. Hermione and Draco from Harry Potter because it is a match of intelligence. If his character development had gone in the right way…
L. I have to go with Draco and Hermione as well. If she (J.K. Rowling) could have gotten over her unreasonable hatred of Slytherin…
A. The fandom is going to come after me (L is sighing heavily) but I have to go with Bran Cornick and Mercy Thompson in the Mercy Thompson world by Patricia Briggs. It was there for a flirty minute!

Worst Relationship—A Couple You Wanted to Break Up

D. Four and Tris from Divergent by Veronica Roth. HE WAS TOO GOOD FOR HER.
L. Julian and Emma from The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare. They were miserable together! They are awful people who should not be together.
A.  Nicholas Thormond and Alathea Sharp from Man and Maid by K.W. McCabe. It aims to be a Cinderella style story but the power imbalance is horrifying.

Your Most Hated OTP

A. David and Dora from David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. It was so wrong!
L. Heathcliff and Catherine from Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. I have never truly recovered from reading it.
D. Shadowhunters’s Clary and Jace by Cassandra Clare. They were way too angsty.

An OTP That Took Way Too Long to Get Together

A. The main couple in Sweetheart’s Unmet by Berta Ruck. The book just goes on and on and on AND THEY DON’T MEET.
L. India Steele and Matthew Glass from Glass and Steele by C.J. Archer. It took 7 books!!
D. Yona and Hak from Yona of the Dawn by Mizuho Kusanagi. 31 VOLUMES.

Your Favorite Love Triangle

D. I don’t do love triangles.
A. Middlemarch by Geroge Eliot because the relationship between Dorothea Brooke, Edward Casaubon and William Ladislaw because it illustrates so much about love.
L. Caraval by Stephanie Garber. Donatella, Dante, and Jacks! All of them were adorably dramatic and sassy. It also wasn’t unbearably angsty.

Your Favorite Tragic Love Story

L. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Rudy and Liesel are the most adorable and I cried like a baby through the entire last few chapters.
D. Werner and Marie-Laure in All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. The tragedy of “what could have been” as well as the opposing sides of the war.
A. I’ve got nothing. As your resident Enneagram 7 I avoid tragedy.

Your Favorite BROTP

D. Costis and Eugenides in The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner. How do you even start to describe the broness? It begins with a king being punched in the face by a soldier and ends with the soldier being one of the king’s favorite people.
L. Horace and Will from The Ranger’s Apprentice by John Flanagan. Their friendship is literally goals. They go from enemies to lifelong friends, and the way they always have each other’s back is just *chef’s kiss*
A. A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians by H.G. Parry. I just love Pitt and Wilberforce. The depth of their friendship is wonderful.

An OTP You Adored In the Books But Not So Much In the Movie/Film Adaptations

D. Bellamy and Clarke from The 100 series by Kass Morgan. The TV version didn’t make them canon and completely messed up the story.
A. Charlotte Heywood and Sidney Parker in the Sanditon mini-series. Granted, we don’t know what direction Austen was going because she died before she finished, but Parker was such an ass in the series.
L. Harry and Ginny from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. In the books, they’re both brilliant! Ginny is a fierce, sassy woman, and Harry was smart and sassy (I have a type). In the movies, though, it’s so awkward and I hate all of it.

An OTP That No Matter How Hard You Try to Ship It, You Just Can’t

D. Mal and Alina in the Shadow and Bone series by Leigh Bardugo. Their chemistry is non-existent and the only thing binding them together are childhood memories and a sense of duty.
L. Captain Harry Smith and Juana from The Spanish Bride by Georgette Heyer. I don’t care if it was legal then, she was FOURTEEN when she married him.
A. Olive Smith and Adam Carlsen in The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood. So many people love this couple and I just can’t get behind their relationship.

Ultimate Galentines

L. Queenie and Maddie from Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein. They literally love each other so much they would kill for the other. WWII friendships at their heartbreaking best.
D. Yona and Riri in Yona of the Dawn. They are genuinely supportive of each other’s endeavors and goals without a trace of cattiness or gossip that so often characterizes female relationships.
A. Attolia and Eddis from The Queen’s Thief series. Literal queens.

Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at Longbourne! (Consider yourself tagged.)

The Coffee Book Tag

I told myself I was going to resist but the concept was too fun. Stealing this book tag from katiescottagebooks who got it from The Introverted Reader!

Long Black

Name a series that’s tough to get into but has hardcore fans. The Thief (The Queen's Thief, Book 1): 9780060824976: Turner, Megan  Whalen: Books

The Queen’s Thief series! The Thief takes commitment to get through and not everyone falls in love with the sequel. But if you keep going, the payout is immensely worth it.

Peppermint Mocha

Name a book that gets more popular during the winter or festive times of the year.

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever: Barbara Robinson: 9780064402750: Books

I think Katie got it right with A Christmas Carol but The Best Christmas Pageant Ever would be my second pick! I need to give it a re-read.

Hot Chocolate

Name your favorite children’s book.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

Low hanging fruit, perhaps, but I don’t think I can beat The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe!

Double Shot Espresso

Name a book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

Madam, Will You Talk?: The modern classic by the queen of romantic suspense  - Kindle edition by Stewart, Mary. Romance Kindle eBooks @

Lovely, old-fashion thriller! Madam, Will You Talk? kept me hooked throughout.


Name a book you see everywhere. Gods of Jade and Shadow eBook : Moreno-Garcia, Silvia: Kindle  Store

Gods of Jade and Shadow kept popping up on my Goodreads and everywhere in stores. Even my roommate owns a copy. I finally read it but ironically I think I will forget it quickly.

Hipster Coffee Shop

Give a book by an indie author a shout out.

Trashy Romance Novel - Kindle edition by Smith, Jacqueline E.. Romance  Kindle eBooks @

I read a handful of indie authors this year but not many stick out. Trashy Romance Novel tickled my funny bone as pure fluffy, wish-fulfillment fun. It even left me wanting a sequel.

Oops! Accidently Got Decaf

Name a book you were expecting more from. A Dance with the Fae Prince (Married to Magic) eBook : Kova,  Elise: Kindle Store

My favorite myth of all time is Psyche and Eros so even though I felt meh about the first Married to Magic novel, I had high expectations for this sequel. Or at least, a few expectations. But Dance with the Fae Prince managed to fall short of all of them.

The Perfect Blend

Name a book or series that’s bittersweet yet satisfying. Return of the Thief (Queen's Thief Book 6) eBook : Turner,  Megan Whalen: Kindle Store

Let’s bring it full circle…Return of the Thief wraps up The Queen’s Thief series and is so unexpected and satisfying. ALL THE FEELINGS!

End of the Year Book Tag

Stealing this book tag from katiescottagebooks who got it from A Book By the Fire!

~ Are there any books you started this year that you need to finish?

Nothing specific. I do have a handful of books I’m partially through but I can finish those at any point. I’ve given up on my reading goal by this point.

~ Do you have an autumnal book to transition into the end of the year?

Not this year. But I do try and re-read most of my favorite Georgette Heyer novels each year and I’ve got a handful I haven’t gotten to yet.

~ Is there a new release you’re still waiting for?

Nothing coming out this year! I have a couple I’m looking forward to in 2022.

~ What are three books you want to read before the end of the year?

The Grand Sophy by Georgette Heyer

Lord of the Flies by William Golding (another re-read but we’re reading it in book club right now)

Sea Spell by Jennifer Donnelly (I’ve got to return it to my friend on Friday so I better get this one done!)

~ Is there a book you think could still shock you and become your favorite book of the year?

This hasn’t been a super great year for favorite books so I’d love it if I suddenly discovered another favorite. But we’ll see. I don’t have high expectations.

~ Have you already started making reading plans for 2022?

SO MANY. I have all the goals for 2022…including a more realistic reading goal.

The Bookworm’s Tag: #BookTagTuesday

The Bookworm’s Tag: #BookTagTuesday

The Rules!

~ Thank and link to the blogger who nominated you.

~ Include the tag graphic in your post.

~ Answer the ten questions the blogger asked.

~ Nominate between five and ten bloggers.

~ Ask your nominees ten book-related questions!

~ Don’t feel bound to these rules.

~ (Most importantly) Have fun!

I was tagged by katiescottagebooks which was SUCH a fun surprise! Thank you! I love her blog because it always feels like hot cocoa on a cold day. I know I’m in for something friendly, clean, and fun!

1.) Have you ever read a book that kept you awake at night with a light on? What was the title of the book?

Oooh, I’m sure a book met this criteria when I was younger. Probably something like Oath by Frank Peretti. But I don’t tend to read books that keep me awake at night. If I think a book might prove disturbing, I usually give it up or am extra careful to read during the daylight hours!

2.) Have you read a book that made you jump and toss the book in the air? What was the title of the book?

Depends by what emotion tossing the book up in the air connotates. Throwing the book up in the air with surprise? Not really. I tried to find a book that just pleasantly surprised me recently but nothing stands out. I’ve definitely thrown a book up in the air (or more precisely, across the room) in disgust…The Three Musketeers and Gone With the Wind being two notable ones!

3.) How many bookmarks do you own?

I swear there are millions of them but never when I want one. When I moved to Virginia I tried putting them all in one box, but they still pop up in odd places.

4.) Do you have a little free library in your area? Did you ever get a book from said library, read it and enjoy it thoroughly?

I don’t! Or at least, if there is one, I haven’t found it yet.

5.) What was the name of the last book you read, that excited you so much, you still talk about it?

Oooh, that would probably be The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker. I liked it so much I immediately went out and bought a copy.

6.) Did an antagonist ever cause you to rant and rave? Who?

This is a tricky one! Most recently probably The Girls at the Kingfisher Club by Genevieve Valentine because the villain felt so ridiculously, senselessly evil. But I also just ranted about everything in the story because it was Wasted Potential™ galore.

7.) Has there been a character who caused you to cry out in disbelief? Who?

Hmmm….a character? I am going to go with Jo from The Girls at the Kingfisher Club to keep within the theme because again, I felt like she had SO much possibility and then she does some really stupid stuff for what readily becomes No Good Reason and I was so annoyed.

8.) Do you have a favorite animal in a book you’ve read? Who and what book?

I am rather heartless: I am not an animal person in literature or person. But the one that came immediately to mind was Lufra, the mongrel dog from Frederica by Georgette Heyer.

9.) Do you enjoy romantic comedy?

YES. It wasn’t good, perse, but the one I ready most recently and enjoyed was The Tourist Attraction by Sarah Morgenthaler. I gave it 2/5 stars but I think about the plot more frequently than I expect.

10.) Favorite non-fiction?

Oooh, genre? Book? Author? Author would be C.S. Lewis, though G.K. Chesterton is giving him a run for his money at the moment. Book (excepting the Bible) would have to be at the moment 84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanf. And as for genre…all of them.

Happy Reading!

I tag…you! Yep, if you’re reading this, give it a try! It is loads of fun.

Your ten questions:

  1. Where is your favorite place to buy books?
  2. Do you consider yourself a mood reader? What makes you pick up a book?
  3. Have you ever bought a book based on the cover? Which one?
  4. If you could have one author (alive or dead) write one more book, who would you choose?
  5. What classic novel do you pretend you’ve read but have never actually read?
  6. What are favorite type of characters to read about?
  7. What is a genre you haven’t read much of but are excited to explore?
  8. What kinds of books do you own versus books you get from the library? Any notable difference?
  9. Do you belong to a book club and, if so, do you always read the books that get chosen?
  10. What was the first series/author you remember getting excited about as a reader?

Would You Rather Fictional Grab-Bag Edition

Stealing this wonderful idea from katiescottagebooks (whom you should follow if you don’t already!) who got it from (whose blog I just followed! How cute!)

I made my sister, Bethany, do it with me for fun.

Would you rather, be a tenant of Mr. Darcy or Mr. Knightley?
Bethany: Darcy. I just hate Knightley.

Me: Knightley. He seems more hands on with his management style.

Would you rather spend a day in the 100 Acre Wood or Neverland?
Bethany: 100 Acre Woods. Neverland is scary.
Me: 100 Acre Woods, they run around murdering each other in Neverland!

Would you rather attend a tea party with the Mad Hatter and company or meet the Wizard of Oz?
Bethany: Tea party with the Mad Hatter. I’ve always wanted to be in Wonderland.
Me: Maybe Wizard of Oz…I feel Mad Hatter is a little too trippy for me.

Would you rather spend a summer at Netherfield with Jane and Mr. Bingley, or at Hamley Hall with Squire Hamley?
Bethany: Obviously Jane and Bingley. They’d be quite great to visit.
Me: Same. Mostly because I haven’t read Wives and Daughters and don’t know Squire Hamley.

Would you rather be “rescued” by Gilbert Blythe or Colonel Brandon?
Bethany: Probably Gilbert. I don’t know. I’d be fine with either.
Me: Gilbert! Easy. Col Brandon is a little too mopey for my tastes.

Would you rather marry Laurie or John Brooke?
Bethany: John Brooke. Laurie is annoying. John Brooke seems like a nicer guy.
Me: Laurie. I think he has potential.

Would you rather have to participate in a skirmish as a member of Robin Hood’s Merry Men, or as a member of the Musketeers?
Bethany: Robin Hood’s Merry Men. They are just better.
This is really hard. I did go through a Three Musketeers phase where I read the books and watched like 7 different movie adaptions. But I’d have to go with Robin Hood as well. I do love fighting unjust taxation!

Would you rather have a jolly holiday in a chalk painting or enjoy a tea party on the ceiling with Uncle Albert?
Bethany: Oooh…chalk painting if I get to go on the carousel.
Me: Chalk painting if Burt comes along.

Would you rather have to chaperone, through their entire courting experience, Lydia Bennet or Anne De Bourgh?
Bethany: Anne De Bourgh. I don’t think I could handle Lydia.
Me: I’m not sure I could handle Lydia either, but I feel like Anne would be supremely boring. So I will give Lydia a go.

Would you rather marry Mr. Wickham or Mr. Elton?
Bethany: You see…I don’t know. Probably Wickham. Wickham is at least charming. Mr. Elton has a terrible personality.
Me: Wickham is more charming…but he runs through money too fast. As much as Mr. Elton creeps me out, he does have a nice parish.

Would you rather spend the rest of your life in Middle Earth (starting from the time of the journey of the ring), or Narnia (starting from the time of the Pevensie’s first visit)?
Bethany: Narnia. It is…Narnia. Also Narnia doesn’t have giant, talking spiders. And I’d get to meet the Pevensies! And the Beavers! And Mr. Tumnus!
Me: Yeah, Narnia always wins.

(Then we decided to add one.)
Would you rather visit Sanditon with Charlotte or Bath with Catherine?
Bethany: Catherine!
Me: Catherine as well. I’d try and steal Mr. Tilney from her.

Rapid Fire #Book Tag #Books #Reading

Kathyscottage did a general tag on her blog here and I decided to take up the challenge!

ebooks or physical books?

Physical books. No matter how hard I try, I cannot get into ebooks. 

Paperback or hardback?


Online or in-store shopping?

Doesn’t matter. When it comes to books, I have no control. I want them ALL!

Trilogy or series?

Heroes or Villains?


A book you want everyone to read.

Everyone? Probably Life at the Bottom by Theodore Dalrymple or The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels by Alex Epstein because both are very perspective-shaping. 

Recommend an underrated book.

84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff

The last book you finished.

4:50 from Paddington by Agatha Christie

Weirdest thing you used as a bookmark?

I think I once used an envelope full of graduation money. 

Used books, yes or no?

Yes! I love the feeling of a well worn book. It makes me wonder about the people who had it before me. 

Top three favorite genres?

Classics, Juvenile Fiction, and YA

Characters or Plot?

Probably characters, though good characters need a good plot to showcase their actions. 

Short or long book?


Long or short chapters?

Short chapters make it easier to get through a book

Name the first three books you think of.

Just One Wish by Jannette Rallison (it is on my to-re-read list at the moment) 

All The King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren (speaking of good characters…) 

Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis

Books that make you laugh or cry?


Our world or fictional worlds?

Fictional, generally.

Do you ever judge a book by it’s cover?


Book to movie or book to tv adaptation?


Series or stand alone?

I’m starting to appreciate stand alone novels more and more, but series play a special role in developing beloved characters. 

I nominate Tori at because I think she will actually do this and anyone else who wants to give it a try!