Monthly Archives: November 2016

ENFPs & the Emo Mode

If there is one thing ENFPs like, it is self-discovery. I love reading about my personality type and if you are looking for something, Heidi Priebe writes especially great articles.  However, my favorite article hands down is Your ENFP Care And Handling User Guide And Manual. (Clink on the link to read the article.) 

Not only is this article relatable and funny (or at least I assume it is for those of you who have to live with me) but it has this marvelous paragraph under “Modes” that reads: 

Emo – Activated seemingly randomly by a large influx of emotion that your ENFP unit must withdraw and analyze in order to understand and integrate. occurs approximately one (1) out of every fifteen (15) days. Completion of this mode is often signaled by your ENFP unit announcing it has learned something new about itself.

I nearly shouted out loud when I came upon that passage. “YES! THAT IS IT!” Someone put it into words! ENFPs are the most introverted of the extroverts; we like people but we also are big on self-understanding and that takes quiet and withdrawal. Sometimes it is simply for recharging. However, at least for me, I often mentally and emotionally withdraw for a time because I feel the need to reevaluate my goals or motivation and gain some new understanding of myself. When I’ve emerged, I feel more complete and satisfied. Hence, I suppose, the “Emo Mode.” 

Since I’m a verbal processor, the process doesn’t always mean withdrawing. It sometimes involves simply talking things through with a friend. The process and result, however, are often the same. 

Anyway, in writing this I am less motivated by a desire that you all “understand” me and more by a hope that this will in turn help others understand themselves better. Sometimes, it helps just having someone else put it into words! 

Tuesday Teaser #TuesdayBookBlog

Tuesday teaser is a weekly bookish meme hosted by

Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share two or three *teaser* sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • Be careful not to include spoilers ~ make sure what you share doesn’t give to much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others.

Share the title and the author too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like your teasers!


“Although the real man was hidden behind the mask of the self-assured, hearty, argumentative tutor, all of his students shared certain impressions. He was known as a man of exceptional intellectual and even physical vitality, a quality that grew over the years. His flow of wit, humor, and vivid stories told in his deep, rich voice was inexhaustible. He was a good listener as well, and one knew that he would never disclose a confidence entrusted to him. He was a man of his word, a man of integrity, a man of honor.” (205)

This Is My Home, This Is My School by Jonathan Bean

Sometimes, I take a break from chapter books and enjoy a good children’s picture book. This Is My Home, This Is My School by Jonathan Bean proved to be an excellent choice. After all, who doesn’t love a picture book about home schooling? The book depicts the life of a home school family, complete with a trip to the library. It does a good job showing the creativity and organized chaos that goes into an average day in a home school family. Quite fun! 

A Sunday off…

Youth group was canceled tonight so I went to the early church service and luxuriously planned my day off. Somehow, though, instead of getting my few chores done and napping/reading my way through the remaining hours, I ended up going shopping. Like, serious, almost 6 hour of walking around the mall shopping. I ended today with 19,000 steps! 

I didn’t go Black Friday shopping so I suppose today counted for that. And you can never have too many sweaters, right? 

Blue Cheese Stuffed Green Olives

“The best part about it,” I told my Mom as we walked toward checkout, “is that even if they are awful, I’ll have a story for my blog.” 

A lady nearby gave me a strange glance. I smiled brightly and kept talking. 

Unfortunately, the idea of blue cheese stuffed green olives proved better than the reality. They were neither good nor bad, just….meh. You can’t taste the cheese until the end and then it is a strange, cheesy flavor following the green olive. Except that sounds good. the olives are really just…okay. 

Garlic stuffed green olives are waaaaayyyyy better. 



Unconnected, but on the subject of food, my Mom made the best ham tonight. It melted in your mouth and was delicious. 

An Autobiography by Agatha Christie

Rambling, rambling through the woods, To Grandmother’s house we go…

I’ve been reading Agatha Christie’s Autobiography and I haven’t quite finished it yet so this review might be precipitous, but I just felt the need to share…this woman cannot keep on topic! I’ve been picking the book up and putting it down since early September. One minute Christie is talking about her early childhood memories, the next referring to her grandson, then back to the memories and a favorite nanny, only to go on a rant about modern day child rearing practices, back to her childhood, etc. This book is quite the compilation! It improves dramatically once she leaves her childhood/teenage years and starts recalling her first marriage and World War 1. However, even with this, there is a piecemeal pattern to her memories that make them hard to follow. 

She is so rambling! I really hope this continues to improve. I love her novels; I never expected her autobiography to be so daunting. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Hope you have a safe and special day! 

Jean Webster

Despite their tendency towards socialism and eugenics (this was the very beginning of the 1900s), I love the books Daddy-Long-Legs and Dear Enemy by Jean Webster. I love the strong heroines and fun plots. I knew Jean Webster had written other books but I never thought I would actually find one…however, I did! I bought Just Patty for $2 and it was probably the best $2 I spent all year. I’ll be reviewing that one along with all my other 5 star reviews in my end of the year book post. Keep your eye out for it!

I never before realized how remarkably ‘progressive’ Jean Webster was for her time. When she died in 1916 at age 30, women still didn’t have the vote. You wouldn’t guess it from her novels, however. Her heroines are hale and hearty and usually college bound. They jump from geometry to party dresses without batting an eyelash. In fact, the more I think about the era they were written in, the more I love these novels! I really want to find When Patty Went to College, which was her first book written in 1903. While her works aren’t overly political, they contain sharp social commentary that makes you think, even today. 

Costume Party

I shared some pictures earlier but here are a few of my favorites from the costume party on Saturday: 

 (my bodyguards!) 

Myra’s costume was so cool!


What a great group!

Cheese Curds! From McDonalds?! 

I never thought I would say this but….cheese curds from McDonalds are really good. I was extremely skeptical because the mozerella sticks didn’t work out so well. However, the cheese curds are good. Are these even available outside Wisconsin?