Monthly Archives: October 2021

Fortune Funhouse by Jana Deleon

So, I’ve been reading the very prolific Jane Deleon and her Miss Fortune series for a few years now. Admittedly, it sometimes feels like a train wreck too horrifying to look away from. But with this last one in the series…

Fortune Funhouse (Miss Fortune Mystery, #19)

It was such a chaotic mess. And I kind of love it for being such a mess (there is a reason I’ve read up to book #19 in this cozy mystery series!) But…

My attorney brain flinches every time the characters do anything in this book. These “detectives” scheme with mob bosses to break into buildings, threaten suspects, and bribe their way into places they shouldn’t be. All with zany humor that involves…chaos.

To say nothing of the pet alligator who keeps chomping down on suspects.

I just feel like there is a much more interesting side series going on here with the local DA who can’t put anyone in jail because the “detectives” who deliver the murderers keep messing up the evidence and costing the city millions of dollars in lawsuits.

Mission at Nuremberg by Tim Townsend

Mission at Nuremberg: An American Army Chaplain and the Trial of the Nazis

If you want a shorthand for the ultimate embodiment of evil, you usually mention the Nazis. Their crimes against humanity were so great that the world held an international tribunal to sentence and condemn the leaders. Imagine being charged with their spiritual needs.

Yet that’s exactly what happened to Henry Gereck–a middle aged, Midwest Lutheran pastor.

This is the fascinating biography of the man who served as chaplain to the Nazi war criminals during the Nuremberg trials. It runs rather dry, especially initially, but tells a truly inspiring story. The best parts are the occasional glimpses of family life that clearly come from the direct interviews done with Gereck’s sons. Or maybe even better, the glimpses we get of Gereck’s inner turmoil as he tries to show the love of God to men who oversaw acts of genocide.

Besides quotes from Gereck and some of the unique pressures he faced, this book delves into the backstory of the leaders of the Third Reich, the arguments for and against the Nuremberg trials, and even the Christian’s response to evil and suffering. I am not entirely sure I understood or agreed with this author’s portrayal of Christian doctrine, but it certainly adds an interesting dimension.

Definitely a worthwhile read.

2021 Reading Goal (Update)

Well, folks, after years of my reading numbers going up…up…up…I don’t think I’m going to make my reading goal this year.

As a recap, my goal was 300 books.

Last year I read 400.

The year before I read 319.

This year I’m wrapping up October 238 books.

While 62 books in two months is certainly doable for me, I’ve got two visitors coming in the month of November and then a flight to Tennessee in December and a trip home for the holidays. And I really don’t plan on spending that time reading.

I think I will aim for 250…which puts me ahead of 2017. But no year more recent.

What’s the common theme? This is the first time I’m not in law school since 2017. Theoretically this means my stress levels have gone down. Or maybe it is that I now actually have friends?


“Where did this week go?”

“What did I actually do this week?”

“How have I not gotten anything done?”

I repeat to myself as I run from my 8:45 meeting to my 9 o’clock meeting to my 9:30 meeting to my 11 o’clock meeting to my 1 o’clock meeting. My goal to go home at 2 ran out the door with any hope of taking lunch. And then 5 o’clock and home!

Pizza As Love

I didn’t come home till 9 o’clock tonight and my housemate had made a gluten free pizza and left out half for me. This is now the third time she has done it and I feel so loved every time.

The cockroaches in my last apartment did not leave out pizza for me.

I just read that sentence and realize it makes it sound like my housemate is a cockroach. She is not. She is a wonderful human being.

Early Voting

When it comes to the early voting process (or maybe voting in general): Wisconsin > Virginia

When it comes to giving out I Voted stickers: Wisconsin < Virginia


E-mails from Discover

My Discover credit card sends me an e-mail every time I make a purchase over $50. And let’s just say tonight I got quite a few e-mails.

It started when I decided to buy my plane ticket for a friend’s baby shower. And then I obviously had to buy baby shower gifts. Following that I figured I might as well buy my ticket home for Christmas…and Christmas means Christmas gifts…and everyone around me appears to give loads of presents at the holidays so the number of people to buy gifts for really is staggering…

If you’re looking for me, I will be holed up in my room eating instant ramen till payday.

(Mostly joking.)

The Importance of Being Earnest

Two of the legal assistants in the office starred in The Importance of Being Earnest. I strong-armed my roommates and bribed a few friends and we managed to fill almost two rows (16 spots!) yesterday.

And oh, it was so, so good.

The play, of course, is hilarious by itself. But the actors did a fantastic job. Fun costumes, clear delivery, good expression.

But hands down, the legal assistants stole the show. And yes I am biased. But my personal legal assistant played Gwendolen and she was clearly the strongest actor of the bunch with the loudest, clearest delivery.

In between acts they also did some musical numbers and it was so fun.

10/10 delightful. Can’t wait for them to do The Hunchback of Notre Dame this spring.

Personally, I’m also triumphing because the last play I saw by them, Much Ado About Nothing, I had to ask about four or five people to get one person to go with me. I’m gaining influence!

Costco Membership

My work significantly subsidizes Costco memberships for employees and today I finally got off my butt and registered for it.

And oh, what a glorious mistake that was.

Granted, I only walked out of there with a flower arrangement for my legal assistant. (I’m seeing her play tonight.) But everything in me wanted to go crazy. I am an impulse shopper. I love novel things. I love a good deal.

And apparently, I’ve got the homeschooler’s weakness for buying in bulk. Just not the 9 kids to go with that weakness.

What could go wrong?

Teen Titans

My housemate agreed to dress like Raven for a themed party for Halloween. The problem? She’s never seen Teen Titans.

Teen Titans (TV Series 2003–2006) - IMDb

So, guess how we spent our Friday night?

The nostalgia is strong with this one but…it didn’t age as well as I remembered.