Tag Archives: outfits

On Wednesdays We Wear Black

It started out small. Our legal meeting began and someone pointed out that all the lawyers and legal assistants were wearing black. Or rather, all but the director of legal wore black. He showed up to work in khakis and a sky blue button up.

But it started dawning on us that legal wasn’t the only one dressed in black. The receptionists were wearing black. The communications hall were full of people in black. The GenJ staff wore black.

In short, we all got the memo but no one told the boss.

Roommate Wardrobes

I had a roommate in law school who used to say the number one reason she lived with roommates was for alibi verification. Personally, I have roommates for their wardrobes.

After growing up with 2 sisters and a mom the same size as me, I simply can’t get used to a solo wardrobe.

Now today, I rolled home brain dead and informed my roommates that I need an outfit for a talk I’m giving tomorrow. A talk that will be seen by, oh, several thousand people potentially. Did they have suggestions?

They had suggestions.

They chose my outfit, furnished my jewelry, and advised me on makeup.

Sooooooo much easier than when I lived alone!