Tag Archives: LB

LB’s Birthday!

It is LB’s birthday!

For those who don’t know, LB is my housemate and co-worker. It takes a pretty remarkable person to sustain a friendship while having a foot in both those worlds. But she makes it happen.

I’m incredibly grateful that she’s part of my life and that I get to see how much she has grown and matured over this past year. Happy Birthday, LB!

Housemates v. Smoke Detector (Part 1)

A Guest Post From LB (Amy’s housemate)

Our smoke detector decided to be dramatic today and start beeping. This is a pretty accurate representation of what went down.


We all groaned, but we had to finish our episode. So we tried to ignore it.


It was really annoying. DJ and I both decided that we would commit murder but that our episode was more important, so we tried to ignore it, snuggling down into our blankets. 

TG got home around that time and heard the beep. She decided that this was not okay and went on a quest to figure out which of the smoke detectors was the problem. She followed the obnoxious beep to the upstairs landing.


We hear a muffled ARGH from TG. DJ called up from her comfy place on the couch, “Is it that the one?”


“ARGH! YUP!” The sounds of jumping ensued from landing, followed by a breathless TG yelling, “I almost got it!”


We all looked at each other, and DJ and I reminded her that we have a ladder up there. And a step stool in the kitchen. Two minutes later, equipped with the step stool, TG set to work to replace the smoke detector battery. 

“AH! I got you!” 


“OW! I took out your voice box! How are you screaming?”


“You shut up! I took you apart!”


We will draw the curtain for a few minutes. Imagine dramatic and violent epithets thrown at the offending smoke detector every time it beeps by TG’s ear despite its lack of a battery. The rest of us were all laughing at her creative insults. Eventually, however, she got the battery replaced.

“Okay. Are you good?” She paused. “Are you good? Are you fixed now?” Insert another pause. “Okay.” She triumphantly appeared on the ground floor with the step stool. 


She froze, eyes turning up toward the smoke detector. “NOPE! I’M DONE! I’M DONE! I CAN’T!” She stomped down the last few stairs and slammed the step stool back into its place.

Smoke detector 1, TG 0. 

Happy Birthday, LB!

LB turns 25 today!

I am truly spoiled to live in this townhouse with such a fantastic housemate. She is smart and driven and out-reads me on a daily, monthly, and annual basis!

Congratulations on another year around the sun, LB. I have loved seeing you grow emotionally, spiritually, and professionally this past year. I am excited to see what God will do next in your life.

Happy Birthday!