Tag Archives: A Shadowhunters Novel

Tuesday Teaser #TuesdayBookBlog

Tuesday teaser is a weekly bookish meme hosted by http://www.booksandabeat.com

Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share two or three *teaser* sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • Be careful not to include spoilers ~ make sure what you share doesn’t give to much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others.

Share the title and the author too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like your teasers!


Christina: “‘Emma, remember. Use your I statements.’ 

“Cameron was still wittering away on the other end of the phone, something about getting together to talk, which Emma knew would be pointless. She focused on the scene below her – was that a shadow slipping through the crowd below, or was she imaging it? Maybe it was wishful thinking. Johnny Rook was usually reliable, and he’d seemed very sure about tonight, but Emma hated getting all geared up and full of anticipation only to discover there was going to be no fight to work off her energy.  

“‘This is about me, not you,’ she said into the phone. Cristina gave her an encouraging thumbs-up. ‘I am sick of you.’ She smiled brightly as Christina dropped her face into her hands.”  (16)


I know that is more than 2 or 3 sentences but I found the entire scene hilarious. I’ve read Cassandra Clare before, but it was at least 4 years ago so my memory is spotty where the Shadowhunter world is concerned. So much exposition. However, the writing is really good and even though I keep telling myself to give up, I’m drawn back. Will this novel be able to refrain from becoming horrendously angsty, though? I am skeptical. Most reviewers on Goodreads seem to love it for the sense of nostalgia it brings.